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A member registered Nov 20, 2018

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I'm pretty sure I ran into a bug, I move what I'm assuming is your body rather than the ghost and I can't interact. I tried reloading the page but it didn't help.

(1 edit)

you need a launch pad on the other island you want to go to to and on your island, and as for stone if you have building recycleing unlocked you can recycle some buildings to either build the seconed launch pad or an astroid teleporter. Building recycling is unlocked at the workshop.

At the start of the fight with the lich in the Necromancers folly, I don't remember exactly what he said but it was along the lines of " With your power, I can get back at the inhabitance of <noInput>" or something like that. Sorry but I don't remember exactly what. 

Also, this game is amazing. I expected a short, hour-long play type game that would be enjoyable but not particularly memorable. Instead, I got a fully developed game with multiple stories, characters, and possibilities that I would have been willing to pay for if it had cost money.

you click on the different parts of the drill to open up a menu for each part.

this is a lot longer than I expected and very good. I did find a small bug/mistake, the combo cap upgrade has the description of the killtastic upgrade.

I played the game a second time two years later, and it's still just as great.

or click on the link in the description that says Modern Mindustry

This is the really old version of the game, if you look up mindustry in the search bar you can find the new version and you can make your own maps on the new version

intresting save year

Who said its supposed to be easy?

found an error trying to save.

I like sandbox

Nope, the normal version of the game is on mobile too

who is that yellow unkillable guy, and WHY?

I shot a chair and summoned an invincible enemy

I have the same thing

all that right outside the area border

I had to leave the game and reload twice to make it work


Game crashes when trying to load past the start screen. Any idea why?

the enter button


GreyStillPlays made a video on your game (not me)

over time all your changes go away

the start screen reloads itself over and over when i press play on the browser version. any ideas why?

i finished the game and it is amazing! thank you for making this!

they are com codes not commands

i do like the game anyways

is it normal to sit to long and loose the game

Is thare an end?